Ram Charan’s bollywood debut ‘Zanjeer’ simultaneously shot in Telugu titled as Thoofan .The movie is in final stages of production. The Telugu version has been supervised by Yogi while overall direction is by Apoorva Lakhia. The audio of the film will be released on August 27th in Hyderabad. The audio release function is expected to take place at Shilpa Kala Vedika. New promos, teasers and posters will be released along with the audio album. The promotional campaign has kicked off and Ram Charan is taking part in the events.The cast includes Priyanka Chopra, Prakash Raj , Sanjay Dutt / Sri Hari (Thoofan) , Mahie Gill and Atul Kulkarni. Zanjeer/Thoofan releases on September 6 worlwide in both versions. Watch out this space for more information on the film.
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